What′s in store for the nation′s presidential office, the parliament, and main political parties this year?
For a rundown of the year′s biggest political events… and what impact they will have on the public, Park Ji-won reports.
The first major political event of the year will be on February 8th.
That′s when the main opposition New Politics Alliance for Democracy… will hold a convention to select a new party leader and supreme council members.
Up until last July,.. the opposition party was led by two co-leaders,… Kim Han-gil and former presidential candidate Ahn Cheol-soo.
However the party faltered in July′s by-elections, and has been led by interim leader Moon Hee-sang ever since.
Former presidential candidate Moon Jae-in and Park Jie-won, a close aide to former president Kim Dae-jung,… will go head-to-head for chairmanship of the party in February.
On April 29th, by-elections will be held for the three parliamentary seats that turned vacant when the minor opposition Unified Progressive Party was disbanded in December.
These are three electoral districts in which traditionally progressive parties have been successful in the past.
If the ruling party loses all three this time around though, it could be seen as a referendum on the incumbent administration.
In May, both the ruling and opposition parties will elect their new floor leaders.
For the ruling Saenuri Party, an internal strife between supporters of President Park and those that don′t stand with her has widened.
Whoever replaces current floor leader Lee Wan-koo,… who′s in the Park Geun-hye camp,… will have a big influence on the relationship between the party and the presidential office.
Later on in the summer, the minor progressive Justice Party,… will elect its new leader.
Experts say the most-watched of the party elections this year will be when the new floor leaders are picked in May.
“The presidential office can push through its agenda at parliament so long as the floor leaders cooperate. For the president, the floor leader is more important than the party leader because the floor leader leads legislative duties. If the ruling party′s new floor leader comes from outside President Park′s support base, it will be a tough year for the presidential office.”
The government aims to forge ahead with reforms aimed at a more flexible labor market, at state agencies and at the national pension system.
These are controversial issues, so it will require a cautious approach to minimize backlash.
Park Ji-won, Arirang News.
Nordisk Ungdom recently visited a Ukraine in revolution. In the city hall of Kyiv, witch has/had been occupied by the nationalists in Svoboda, NUs international contactperson gave a speech about the situation in Sweden and encouraged the crowd to choose their own freedom instead of choosing between the west or Russia.
I stand before your forces of revolution to tell you about what your future might be if you fail your glorious endeavour.
I stand here as a Swede. However where I come from is no longer Sweden. My country has been transformed into an international territory; ruled by a totalitarian state which forces experimental progressive agendas on its inhabitants. Let me explain:
In Sweden, you no longer need a citizenship to educate yourself in the Swedish school system. Every human being on Earth has a right to go to school in Sweden – for free. Only Swedes themselves have to pay for it.
In Sweden, you no longer need a citizenship to enjoy free healthcare. Every human being on Earth has a right to free healthcare in Sweden. Only Swedes themselves have to pay for it.
If you have a Swedish passport, you pay for your dental health care. If you don’t have a Swedish passport: it is free.
The Swedish people is not defined in or protected by Swedish law. Only minorities are recognized on a collective scale. The Swedish people have no rights in its own state. In fact, Swedish law only recognises the Sami people as the true indigenous in Sweden.
By law it is not my country anymore!
The government, the politicians and the officials of the state has distanced themselves from the people and formed a new political class, similar to that of the Soviet union — where they rob the country and use our common resources to enrich themselves.
The apparatjiks of the state has formed a mutual alliance with the monopoly-based mass media, to enforce their agenda, control the debate and persecute every form of opposition.
The Swedish media in their turn officially co-operates with the violent communist and anarchist groups to identify and terrorise every opposition.
When the radical left and immigrant groups riot, burn cars in the streets and throw molotows at police and ambulance personnel — they get government funding and a political career.
When a dissident post an anonymous critical comment on the internet — his name and picture end up in the newspaper.
The state enforces their experimental progressive agenda by starting early to shape it inhabitants. Today — as a part of the governmentally regulated school plan — a chief function of the public schools is to erase gender identity. They do this by forcing boys to play with dolls, and girls to play with cars and guns. Even calling a boy “boy” and a girl “girl” is viewed as obsolete.
The state wants every schoolfunction to refer to every person with the made up and so called “gender neutral” word “hen”. Hen is made up by the radical feminist think tanks that are an influential part of the Swedish establishment. The use is similar to the praxis “citoienne” in revolutionary France, or “comrade” in the communist states.
As a part of the progressive agenda, Swedish State Television shows information programs for the Swedish youth — 13 to 16 – on how to have sex with immigrants and disabled. These shows is also shown in school as a mandatory part of education.
The progressive agenda is also evident in the states destruction of the normal, heterosexual family. Some politicians propose mandatory day care for two year olds. There is also propositions on dividing parental leave, forcing dads to stay home and women to work — or leaving the kids in the care of the state.
No wonder we have 40 000 abortions every year. That is almost one percent of our total population. We kill our babies and import tens of thousands of immigrants instead.
Officials in Sweden likes to calls us the most modern country in the world.
I say to you, brothers, this is what awaits you if you choose to follow our example.
You now have the opportunity to choose and create your own future. DO not accept the trap of choosing either the West or Russia.
Europe needs free and sovereign nations, ready to unite in face of threat and danger, working together to strengthen our continent — not to work in the interests of the West or the East.
Choose your own freedom. Choose our common European freedom.
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Morrigan Celtica says
October 17, 2015 at 10:45 AMHail Europa!