Corruption is a global phenomena and it is everywhere in the world. Corruption in India has been prevalent since the unknown history of the country. Today what is the worst element in India which destroys the nation is corruption. In the old days bribes are paid for wrong things to be getting done, but today bribes are given for right things to be getting done. The political leaders and the government officials are the major team to do corruption on a large scale thereby damaging this great nation and its people. Political corruption is worst in India. In some parts of the country political parties and politicians are getting elected by paying money to the people, or by threatening them. The corrupted leaders are getting elected and become ministers.
Adulteration of food, bribery etc are corruption. Tax invasion is corruption. We think it is difficult to get a government job, but actually it is easy if you are ready to pay lakhs of rupees to the officials. No eligibility criteria will be considered. We had come across the news that there are a number of pilots in official duty with fake licenses. What do you want to be? Pilot? doctor? Or minister?
Today it is the respectable people who are involving in bribery. Even our judiciary which was once considered as sacred is working on bribery today. What more? There are scam allegations against the Ex Chief Justice of India. The complete information about the wealth of this most corrupted chief justice is not known to the public. Just think what will be future of this great nation if things are going like this? The recent 2G Spectrum Scam, Commonwealth Games Scam, Satyam Scam were shocking news. Corruption has increased enormously and it became uncontrolled in India.
People who live with right principles are considered as fools in this modern society.
A positive step against corruption in India is the Anti-corruption movement led by the respectable social activist Anna Hazare. Anna Hazare was a former soldier of the Indian Army. He is well known and respected by the people. His struggles remind us about the battle led by Mahatma Gandhi. The power of Gandhi’s non violence once again waging war against corruption. People from different parts of the country supported him. One of the great merit of his movement is that it is not involved or influenced by any political party. His fast ended on a positive indication that the Lokpal Bill was accepted by the Government but we are yet to see the result. As per the Lokpal Bill, there will be a separate body to investigate and curb corruption in India. We have to see if loopholes will be there in Lokpal Bill also like in all other bills and laws.
People look forward to Anna that he might be able to bring a corruption free India. We have to wait and see how the bill comes to us into the midst the common man in India.
I am an article writer on nestsoft technologies and i am writting articles related to online games.
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