Meir Dagan shares with the BINA community his experience as former Director of the Mossad and discusses his insights for electoral and governmental reform in Israel. Approximately 10 bills calling for a controversial regional elections in Israel, were presented to the Knesset between 1958 and 1988 and were all rejected by small parties. Mr. Dagan has recently founded Yesh Sikui (“There is a chance”) to spark a public debate to reevaluate Israel’s political system.
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Moderator Bob Liff sits down with a panel of guests including two members of the NYS Assembly, Hon. Richard N. Gottfried and Hon. Daniel J. O’Donnell as well as Rachel Leon the Executive Director of Common Cause, to discuss the task of fixing Albany and the process of governmental reform in New York State.
Tape Date: 2/22/2005
The CUNY Forum is a monthly town meeting that brings prominent New Yorkers together with faculty and students of the Edward T. Rogowsky Internship Program in Government and Public Affairs.
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