If You Plan on Surviving, Then Plan on Fighting
August 4, 2011 • 3:52 PM
The creation of a twelve person “Super Congress,” to supposedly resolve a “debt ceiling crisis,” was a cowardly act of treason by the majority of the U.S. Congress. The truth of this matter must be told far and wide: what is happening is a Hitler-like coup against our government which Lyndon LaRouche and the Slate of Six LaRouche Democratic Candidates have been repeatedly warning about.
The Budget Control Act of 2011, passed in the House Monday, and the Senate Tuesday, is not only a brutal austerity package, but is a coup against the US government on behalf of a foreign power. Those who voted for it, whether they know it or not, voted for treason, and the destruction of the sovereignty of the United States.
Diane Sare, of the LaRouche Democratic candidates slate, speaks about Glass-Steagall and Obama’s coup from in front of the bull on Wall Street, where she participated in a planning meeting of the Occupy Wall Street movement, who are modeling themselves after the young Indigenous of Greece and Spain.
Summer Shields calls out Obama for his fascist coup, on behalf of Obama’s London masters. Reporting live from the location of the founding of the United Nations, Shields echoes the spirit of Franklin Roosevelt, outlining the policy we must fight like hell for now, to turn a moment of perceived adversity into our advantage.
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jessxxy says
November 29, 2015 at 10:34 AMWhats with having a pop at the Royal family?! all sound like your Government, CRAZY….
sword of light says
November 29, 2015 at 11:11 AMThe United States is being run by royal bloodline of Britain secret societies they are all bloodlines of the Royals we must kill the royal bloodline America wake up we have been betrayed the devil children are trying to take the world America's time to fight we must kill the royal bloodline secret societies kings queens princess we were saved by the blood of Christ the lamb
Lok783 says
November 29, 2015 at 11:22 AMoh look it's the Golden Calf those son of a bitch neocon zionist jews on wallstreet worship
Roy Lamx says
November 29, 2015 at 11:36 AMGold & silver are real money, and can pay a debt, not debt certificates borrowed at interest like Federal Reserve Notes, which can not. We won't see them in circulation until we restore the Republic, and we can't do that if were ruled by the IMF or busy running away to some imaginary refuge. We must make America the refuge for liberty it was meant to be.
Roy Lamx says
November 29, 2015 at 11:56 AMI couldn't agree more or have said it better.
03birdmann says
November 29, 2015 at 12:51 PMAmericans of every type need to rise together and impose our own wills on the wicked
Aridzonan13 says
November 29, 2015 at 1:34 PMI don't believe anything is going to be cut from DOD. The Military Industrial Complex isn't going to allow that to happen. So, if the Super Congress in imposed, then the rest of Congress should go home, forgo their pensions, etc. So, FedGov.Inc has just downsized cONGRESS. When are they going to send those 12 jobs overseas?
TheLoyalOfficer says
November 29, 2015 at 1:37 PM@NAZMY2003 Thank you Egypt! You helped us in America wake up!
TheLoyalOfficer says
November 29, 2015 at 2:13 PM@WikiIntelNews Amen, bro!
WikiIntelNews says
November 29, 2015 at 2:54 PM@TheLoyalOfficer We don't need no stinking Super Congress … just a return to the Old Republic!
TheLoyalOfficer says
November 29, 2015 at 3:09 PMSuper Congress? What a disgrace!
moseseseseses says
November 29, 2015 at 3:55 PMAll the gold and silver in the world is not going to save anyone from the wrath to come upon this nation. Those with gold and silver will still have to flee to the wilderness just like poor folks will have to. Buy all the gold and silver you want, you will still have to flee for your lives, for the wrath of God is upon this nation, and God is revealing to the people the lies and corruption and the evil Federal Reserve System over our money system.
theCrpldOrphnPrjct says
November 29, 2015 at 4:28 PMThe current administration sickens me. If Obama gets 4 more years, we're done for. We had might as well let China annex us. Sadly, If Obama suggested it, plenty of people would be on board. Somehow there are still people supporting the healthcare bill..
WikiIntelNews says
November 29, 2015 at 4:58 PM@NAZMY2003 The people of Egypt have demonstrated their passion to fight for a future of peace and prosperity. The sleeping giant in America is slowly waking up. When it does, the new world order crowed better be hiding in their caves, cuz by whatever means, whatever measures … we're taking our country back!
WikiIntelNews says
November 29, 2015 at 5:14 PM@TheSpeckofdust You obviously need to evolve your consciousness. Your mediocre perspective on racism is shameful. The fact that you criticize a man you don't even know is a display and mark against your ignorance. LaRouche -the only person that is presenting a solution to save civilization from mass genocide and you want to take him out of the picture? Obama/British are the evil that want to destroy America and you support this? Are you Evil or just Stupid … which is it? Redeem yourself~
alleycatalog says
November 29, 2015 at 6:02 PMwatching all this unfold over the years, nothing is more frightening to me than this! And so many people unaware of what is really going on. just wow!
LendMeYourHand says
November 29, 2015 at 6:18 PMThe Nation is gone & these douchebags that dont know the definition of Patriotism keep joining these oil drilling, nuclear power, banking cartel across seas on a muslim genocide resource grab, just because IMF is within grips of a NWO. Join the military complex assholes. You make the world a better place by being the one guy who handed out teddy bears & candy to the war traumatized kids, while it allows others to kill & protect poppy fields. The Gov sends opposing secret armies & dumbie targets
CNN911Fakes says
November 29, 2015 at 7:06 PMThe constitution was eviscerated when we decided the bill of rights was applicable only to citizens.
No independent media; no constitution. It is all over except for the slow walking and loud singing.
Fake news. Keep subscribing to it. Our government is as bad as we accept it to be.
anne48503 says
November 29, 2015 at 7:51 PMI wonder why the tea baggers caved to give them their power….do you think they were tricked?
DestiniesRUS says
November 29, 2015 at 8:27 PM@dubDMA Wether you do or don't? you will shortly and GOD BLESS YOU ANYWAYS, much love to you and yours.