“Cronyism,” a new rallying cry in all political quarters, is now being offered as a reason not only to restrict free speech but to impose “income equality” on the grounds that the rich obtain their wealth only through “gaming” the system. Is there any truth to the claims that our government is corrupt and cronyism rampant? The answer is yes, but not in the way that proponents of more government power claim. This talk by Steve Simpson explores the true nature of government corruption and cronyism, how it manifests itself in various ways, its consequences, and what to do about it.
Recorded November 19, 2014.
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Dale Halling says
November 21, 2015 at 10:37 AMThere was no cronyism necessary to create USSR or Mao's China.
Justin Templer says
November 21, 2015 at 11:04 AMCronyism, Corruption and Government Power This talk by Steve Simpson explores the true nature of government corruption and cronyism, how it manifests itself in various ways, its consequences, and what to do about it.
#AynRand #Objectivism
Stan Jones says
November 21, 2015 at 11:55 AMSpin. A political strategy to appear to be saying something important while not actually saying anything.
ToddB987 says
November 21, 2015 at 12:25 PMCronyism should have sever punishment if caught. It's so un-fair. I see this all the time at my wife's job work place and where I work. Specially between three individuals. They are constantly doing the friend hook-up in managerial jobs. While other are left behind as equally educated and years of experience. You wonder what the back stories are with work related shooting that are happening? For instance.. say Jerry worked 15 years in accounting and Bob is the section lead. Then come's Mike, Bob's friend with the friend hook-up. Bob's give Mike the program job after 6 six month after hire, while Jerry has been trying for the last 15 years to get promotion. Jerry is thinking "hey.. wait a minute?! Mike got that job over me"? The next day Jerry can't handle it and brews on it and goes to the office and takes care of business in a violent way. I'm not condoning that process, but you have to wonder who is actually the victim.
Aaron Cafaro Singing says
November 21, 2015 at 1:21 PMVery nice presentation. Is there any place where we can view the Q&A section of the talk?
crusty7208 says
November 21, 2015 at 2:18 PMthe net neutrality issue really does sum things up nicely. great talk!
there is another issue which seems to have been ignored and that is political career legacy; this is when politicians spend most of their time enacting laws that will elevate or immortalise them. take sox (sarbanes oxley) here the law carries the name of the politician…obamacare, glass-steagall, gramm-leach-bliley etc.
most politicians will make it their business as a career objective to enact a law that makes them a part of history.
this is another major cause for regulatory expansion…
Numero Set says
November 21, 2015 at 3:13 PMThe only reason government exists at all much less has the ability to enforce laws is because the people who issue the money have selected the institution of government in which to channel money into circulation through. Then that money is returned to the issuer through taxes which enables them to reissue it all over again perpetuating the process. This process can be best summed up as “debt issuance selective distribution economics”. You can learn more about this problem and the solution on my channel if you are interested.