O.W.O puts the so called HA81 Elites into lockdown for 3 + Hrs.
N.W.O have the need to flood lobbies day in day out & only fight whilst they out number their rivals. This is what happens when O.W.O flood a lobby ( they hide like bitches).
HA81 Far From Elite
University of Gujrat is really an innovative cum creative university and its modus operandi is creation of new knowledge. Faiz is no less popular in India. There has been more celebration both in number and quality in India. He was a revolutionary poet and kept the interests of the working classes close to his heart. He was against oppression, cruelty, injustice and religious chauvinism. Literature has always played a key role in bringing about revolution in society. Faiz worked for the cause of oppressed humanity for freedom and liberty of the masses. He is a world leader and his poetry and literature cuts across national boundaries. He is loved in India, Russia, Central Asia, Middle East, Africa and around the world. His anti-colonial and anti imperialist struggle is a beacon light for revolutionaries around the world. He is an icon of the progressive literary movement. He is a major poet and has annexed new ground, new themes, a new vision and a new imagery for poetry.
These ideas were expressed by Ali Javed Secretary Progressive Writers Association of India from Delhi University in an international Seminar on Centennial Celebrations of Faiz Ahmed Faiz held at UOG, organized jointly by Centre for History International Relations, Political Science and Pakistan Studies and Media & Publications, University of Gujrat. It was presided over by eminent journalist and chairman HRCP Mr. I A Rehman. Earlier on Mr Shabbir Hussain Shah Director CHIPP in his keynote address discussed the issues of revolution, change and emancipation with reference to Faiz’s poetry. Faiz is the artist par excellence of modernity. He is steeped in the ethos of our times and holds key solutions to our problems. Mr. Imran Shahid Bhinder a scholar from Birmingham UK opined that Faiz was dialectical in his thinking. He was of the view Faiz should be discussed only as an artist because he represents the downtrodden and have-nots and not the ruling elite. He extensively referred to Western philosophers and thinkers, in discovering the international status of Faiz. Dr Tash Mirza from Tashkent — Uzbekistan reported with facts and figure about the immense popularity of Faiz is Russia and Central Asia. Faiz was always in the vanguard struggle for the liberation for the oppressed humanity of the world. He reminded the audience of Afro Asian conferences on literature at Moscow where Faiz played a key role. Masroor Javed from New York USA appreciated the growing popularity of Faiz in USA. Columbia University was establishing a chair on Faiz. Fifteen urdu papers, 15Urdu Radio Stations and 30 Urdu TV Channel, coordinated in USA in celebrations of Faiz. Mr. Rahat Saeed Secretary Progressive writers Association from Karachi vociferously extolled the role of Faiz in world revolution against colonialism and imperialism. This legacy should be transferred to the new generation. Mr. I A Rehman Chairman HRCH elaborated the services of Faiz in Palestinian struggle for liberation and his editorship of LOTUS at Beirut. Faiz wrote extensively on decolonizing literature and published many eternal pieces of literature of persons like Nazim Hikmat from Turkey, Ghulam Abbas from India. He believed in socialist realism and successfully portrayed the cause of oppressed humanity. Syed Ali Madih Shah maternal grandson of Faiz representing Faiz’s family thanked the UOG for holding such an international seminar on Faiz. He narrated some poems of Faiz.
Prof Dr. Nizamuddin Vice Chancellor University of Gujrat in his closing address thanked all the scholars and participants of the seminar. He dwelled on the significance of a series of seminars that are regularly held at UOG which contribute towards the creation of new knowledge, which is based on the premise dialogue, research and University wide discussion. He said that Faiz was a world class poet intellectual and revolutionary. He announced that the next seminar will be held on Quaid e Azam. Later on in a different session poetry of Faiz was sung and enjoyed by the audience.
November 20, 2015 at 10:19 AMLol this video doesn't show every thing does it? Look at the session, it's a crew session right? The 81's were actually fighting you guys outnumbered in that private session (showing they don't need numbers). There were four 81's in there and guess what….you guys were still getting destroyed. So you guys decided to vote to kick two of them out the session. With the numbers you guys had you couldn't even handle just four? Pathetic. Later on that day you guys fought again in a public session and got pushed out. It was all recorded by HA81 Empire and was up on YT at one point. So many times before this and even after this you guys always get destroyed by the NWO. You guys can't handle us on the battlefield so the only thing you guys can do is use the keyboard or make dumb videos. All talk but no action. The OWO always loses to the NWO.
Reaper Outlaw says
November 20, 2015 at 10:46 AMApartment Forever Forever Apartment
Maniaczs says
November 20, 2015 at 11:00 AMIt seems like y'all a wanna be New World Order smh fanboys
Klipzyboiiiiiii says
November 20, 2015 at 11:01 AMCan you all save up your pension money and get an Xbox one i miss kicking your ass.
Klipzyboiiiiiii says
November 20, 2015 at 11:17 AMLmfao
Crazy Louie says
November 20, 2015 at 11:34 AMAny other 81 dog that hasn't gotten their nuts cut off by me that wants to have a chat? Come ooon- step riight up! Have a chat with the keyboard general!
blackjustice24 says
November 20, 2015 at 11:56 AMlike the show in numbers. but you guys really stood outside that apartment for 3 hrs lol…wow really wanted them that bad huh
Wispy says
November 20, 2015 at 12:25 PMthey are elite at staying indoors ;)