Abby Martin Breaks the Set on the Evolution of John Kerry’s Love for War, an NDAA Update with Chris Hedges, Lavish Getaways for US Lawmakers, and Financing a War with Syria.
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EPISODE BREAKDOWN: On this episode of Breaking the Set, Abby Martin recalls how over the last 40 years, Secretary of State John Kerry has changed from a passionate anti-war advocate to the drum major for a war against Syria. Abby then speaks to journalist, Chris Hedges about all updates about the lawsuit against the federal government regarding the National Defense Authorization Act’s indefinite detention clause, remarking on the California Senate’s rejection of the measure. They also discuss war on Syria and Hedges’ views on NSA revelations. Abby then comments on the scope of lavish expenditures sponsored by lobbyists to sway congressional opinion despite laws in the books that ban this practice. BTS wraps up the show with an interview with Max Keiser, host of RT’s ‘Keiser Report’ about everything from why a supposedly broke country always has money for war, and the often illogical outcomes of important events, citing Halliburton stocks rising following revelations of the company’s criminality.
bigbangnone says
November 18, 2015 at 10:01 AMIf our Gov can use the Federal Reserve to print trillions of dollars out of thin air – then loan those trillions to the US tax payer at high interest while the US tax payer has no idea that he has just barrowed trillions of dollars that were just printed out of thin air !!!! Then we tax payers should be able to print dollars our of thin air to pay off this massive deception of a high interest debt !!!!!
By the way, the real reason Barrack (Muslim) Obama and John (Panzy) Kerry destroyed the progress that we were making with the Iran sanctions – is simply because Obama has already confessed that if it is the USA against Islam, Obama chooses Islam (See the YouTube video). I'm sure this foolish deal and sanctions will be back after we replace our current Muslim leadership. Obama is a selfish idiot and he was pushing hard to remove all Iran sanctions because his 8 year term is at an end – and he was president through some major attacks on Islam in the desert. So just like the idiot politicians of Europe who have bowed down to the Sharia Law zones in an attempt to secure a safe retirement for themselves, Obama is doing the exactly same thing by providing 150,000,000 to the Iranian economy. Both Obama and Kerry are weasels who are ready to retire and do not want to be targeted in their retirement. There is nothing more dangerous that an old politicians or an old Supreme court Justice, and any old politician who is looking for some lobbyist money to buff the personal retirement.
addipoom says
November 18, 2015 at 10:58 AMall these mother fucker politicians lie, man
JoJoghetto says
November 18, 2015 at 11:38 AMChris Hedges, always a voice of reason.
Kevin Kelly says
November 18, 2015 at 11:55 AMIt's a well known fact in Washington that many war pushing members of Congress own stock in several huge companies that build weapons of mass destruction. Kerry and McCain are just two of them!
Yurian Cain says
November 18, 2015 at 12:14 PMI'd marshmallow Abby good !!!
Adele King says
November 18, 2015 at 12:26 PMRon Paul has an Internet channel for $10/month: "Turn Off the TV Turn On the Truth."
jammerman28 says
November 18, 2015 at 12:45 PMThis feed stinks of trolls
Fernando Arboleda says
November 18, 2015 at 12:56 PMwhy a government that has no money for public schools still has money for bombs…………….and max keiser….wow…never heard such real passion before….lol
Fernando Arboleda says
November 18, 2015 at 1:39 PM"war weary and very weary of the rhetoric…the psychosis of permanent war is the engine of corporate totalitarianism…"….hedges is great!
vault101lt says
November 18, 2015 at 1:52 PMHave you no idea of the concept of credibility?
Do you even know what is it i'm talking about..
Talk, bitch. You've got your chance..
Bozo the Clown says
November 18, 2015 at 2:45 PMAsshole, FACTS are what matter; not who presents them.
vault101lt says
November 18, 2015 at 3:17 PMYou can't say Russia isn't sick with the fascism bug either.. just look at the media, Russian Orthodox church, the government and the big business.. one in the same.
Look at Chechnya (Russia's Palestine), look at the Ukraine and other former soviet states he's trying to bully onto his side.. sounds imperialistic if you ask me.
Here in the US yes, true, fascism is alive and well. Big business, government, the network news are on the same side.. but all we need is to ratify our constitution.
TheGodlessGuitarist says
November 18, 2015 at 3:23 PM" it aint going to end up pretty for him in the end"
That's right, because there is a far more murderous, power and riches bent fascist state that rules the world, i.e the US.
"fascism should more properly be called corporatism as it is the merger of corporate and state power" – Benito Mussolini
Welcome to the reality of empire, specifically the US empire in todays world.
If you want to know what your rulers really get up to then read your declassified record, or perhaps watch?v=-kcPyqMWems
TheGodlessGuitarist says
November 18, 2015 at 4:20 PMnicely said
Mah Be says
November 18, 2015 at 5:20 PMAbby u'r a great compassionate reporter & u don't need props so just be u & break the set-up we usually get from main stream entertaining distractions.
Arm u'r self with TRUTH & U'll have more watches then u could even count–cause truth is what the masses need 2 awaken 2 & only truth will help us get our country back!
Mah Be says
November 18, 2015 at 6:16 PMSorry Abby but Its just real weird they way your doing this show?? Looks like your acting out a Hollywood film instead of bringing us viable important news–it almost looks like your trying to make a joke or doing a news show parody—what ever –its kind of hard to get into the news your presenting initially cause of the way the video opens. Honestly just trying 2 give constructive criticism cause we need real news not more main stream like entertainment—-distractions!
Dallas Smith says
November 18, 2015 at 6:19 PMWhat have they got on Kerry? I think from his demeanor in the original hearings and his apparent drive that he too is being driven by ELF technology.
S Winegar says
November 18, 2015 at 6:20 PMCalifornia doesn't need the NDAA to strip our rights, we're in a Constitution Free Zone already! Most of the population lives within 100 miles of any US border. We're already fucked. The NDAA would have just rubbed insult to injury