OBAMA IS A LIAR – Underhanded Tactics to Get Obamacare Passed
More video has surfaced of MIT Professor and ACA Architect Jonathan Gruber explaining the necessity for underhanded tactics to get Obamacare passed. Gruber’s direct involvement in Massachusetts’ healthcare bill under Governor Mitt Romney.
“Jonathan Gruber at MIT devoted hours and hours to an essential econometric model,” Romney said.
This “econometric model” can now be seen in President Obama’s “Affordable” Care Act, which has been everything but affordable for the American public.
Despite attempts by the Obama Administration to distance itself from Gruber, countless videos continue to expose his major role in deceiving the public.
This latest video serves to illustrate the clear agenda of both parties at the top – higher prices, less care and more government control. Damn Americans. They just don’t see the wisdom of surrendering to experts the power they need to remake the country into a progressive paradise.
Sighing with regret, liberals like Jonathan Gruber admit that they’re forced to hoodwink the citizens. For their own good.
Gruber, the MIT economist who (in the words of The New York Times) “put together the basic principles of” ObamaCare and helped Congress “draft the specifics of the legislation” is one of a long line of liberals driven by the belief that the stupidity of the American people is so insurmountable that persuasion is futile.
Liberalism: the place where compassion blurs into condescension.
“Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage and basically, you know, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically, that was really, really critical to getting the thing to pass,” Gruber said, in a newly unearthed 2013 video that went viral last week. Gruber’s jocular tone wasn’t surprising. In explaining why a huge tax increase was disguised to conceal it from the American people, he was admitting what was obvious to close observers: The law is really just a redistribution scheme.
Even the Democrats didn’t think ObamaCare could pass by being so described. That’s why deception, as Gruber says, was central to its design. Profiting from deceit Despite telling MSNBC that his comments were “off the cuff,” a second video has emerged of Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber saying the law was passed because Americans were “too stupid” to understand it. Free and affordable health care just gets better and better.
In 2015 the government will be activating some new “incentives” embedded in the Affordable Care Act in an effort to get more people to sign up. penalized if you fail to acquire government mandated health insurance. But not just you. Your children, who apparently no longer belong to you anyway based on a recent court ruling, will be fined for your failure to get them on the insurance rolls: obama obamacare insurance health healthcare “health insurance” bill government MIT “Jonathan Gruber” gruber 2014 2015 adviser presidential speech conference u.s. usa america “united states” lie lies liar cost control money usd dollar “u.s. dollar” transparent politics advantage election tax economy organic hospital “private hospital” medicine illness cancer charity work job honest agenda “new world order” “american citizen” citizenship collapse “old age” “healthcare work” doctor nurse “elite nwo agenda” entertainment trendy trending alex jones infowars gerald celente david icke lindsey williams coast to coast am anonymous social unrest riots 2nd america revolution civil war
During an appearance on Ronan Farrow Daily, Gruber tried to explain away his initial comments by claiming he was speaking “off the cuff” when he said that a “lack of transparency” was crucial in fooling ‘stupid Americans’ during the effort to pass Obamacare. Gruber: “This bill was written in a tortured way to make sure CBO did not score the mandate as taxes. If CBO scored the mandate as taxes, the bill dies… [I]f you had a law which said that healthy people are going to pay in – you made explicit healthy people pay in and sick people get money, it would not have passed… Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage. And basically, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really really critical for the thing to pass… Look, I wish Mark was right that we could make it all transparent, but I’d rather have this law than not.”
Alex jones breaks down the deteriorating Ebola situation and how Obamacare will only serve to weaken the public’s ability to fight against deadly pathogens.
aleh baba says
November 4, 2015 at 2:25 AMlosers!!!
"3 things White House doesn't want you to know about ObamaCare, plus 3 things coming in 2015 you aren’t going to like". Here are three crucial changes that the president clearly didn’t want you to know about: 1. HUGE DEFICITS AND NEW TAXES. According to the Congressional Budget Office, the latest projections for the net cost of ObamaCare over the next ten years are just over $1.4 trillion. Whereas President Obama promised in 2009 that it would cost less than $1 trillion over ten years. In order to partially pay for this, ObamaCare has added more than 20 new taxes totaling over $500 billion.2. BUREAUCRACY. Speaking of Orwellian politics, ObamaCare includes 159 new boards and agencies to restrict and govern your health care choices.3. STILL MORE BUREAUCRACY. Dysfunctional state exchanges with high deductible policies, narrow doctor networks, including federally-run exchanges in 36 states which may not be allowable under the law (SCOTUS currently considering this case). Here are three new things coming up in 2015 that you aren’t going to like: 1. PENALTIES WILL RISE – INDIVIDUAL MANDATE. In 2014, people are facing a penalty of $95 per person or 1% of income. In 2015, the penalty will more than triple to $325 per person or 2% of income, whichever is higher. If an American failed to get coverage this year, the penalty will be taken out of their tax refund in early 2015. 2. SERIOUS RATE HIKES FOR CHEAPER OBAMACARE PLANS. According to Investor’s Business Daily, the lowest cost bronze plan will increase an average of 7 % in many cases, the lowest cost silver plan by 9%, and the lowest priced catastrophic policy will climb 18 percent on average. Double digit rate hikes are anticipated in several southern and Midwestern states including Kansas, Iowa, Louisiana, North and South Carolina, Tennessee, Iowa, and Virginia. Subsidies will continue to be a huge part of the program. In 2014, subsidies provided ¾ of the premiums for the federally-run exchanges. 3. EMPLOYER MANDATE WILL TAKE EFFECT. After being delayed for a year, large businesses (100 or more employees in 2015, 50 or more in 2016) will be required to offer affordable (and subsidized) health plans to at least 70 percent of their full time employees or face a $2,000-$3,000 penalty per employee. This mandate will lead to fewer full time employees being hired.
mrgearheadfromhell says
November 4, 2015 at 2:58 AMWhile I don't know all the ins and outs of the healthcare reform act, in the closing video Osama said that no money was going to be used to fund abortions. Please keep in mind I'm pro choice because Americans are supposed to be free to make our own decisions. Personally I would rather have a little money spent to abort an unwanted child as apposed to hundreds of thousands of dollars being spent to provide for the unwanted child. No I do not feel abortion should be used as a form of birth control, however children deserve better than drug addict parents not to mention the medical issues that always arise after the child is born. Not to mention if a woman was impregnated as a result of a rape.
Then if you actually look at the healthcare reform act, everyone gets to pay for maternity benefits. As a single male, why should I have to pay for maternity benefits? I'm not going to have a baby !
We need to impeach and deport Osama A.S.A.P.
Laurie Cleveland says
November 4, 2015 at 3:42 AMI think they are all full of what makes the grass grow green! Obama especially is full of it. I had a heart attack when I had to agree to allow the US Government access to all my accounts for 5 years (and we know that once they get access to anything, its not going to be just 5 years). Then there is that aborrhent RFID chip. First of all, its unnecessary. Secondly, its a huge breech of privacy because anybody with a microchip reader can come on by and get all of your information. This has been proven by the few idiots dumb enough to get these things for stupid reasons. Thirdly, even with subsidies, they kill you. I see insurance companies that I have never heard of before jumping onto the bandwagon with HUGELY SUBSTANDARD health insurance. Yeah, you pay through the nose and get absolutely NOTHING for it. I do mean nothing. Then if you decide to get a plan with an HSA, which sounds like a good deal to pay for the co-pays, well, with these plans, you foot the entire medical bill until the deductible has been met. So, you are putting money into an HSA, thinking, OK, I can save this for that operation that I need, when, in fact, you get slammed with a huge bill from the MD's, labs, hospitals, whatever that you are responsible for until that deductible is met and that HSA? that won't even cover half. Its the biggest scam going. Obama doesn't want to pay for abortions, yet, he and the NWO are allowing all sorts of pandemics and screwing around with water sources, food, etc. to decrease the population. This makes less than no sense. Obama has already made it plain that anybody over the age of 40 has nothing left to offer anybody else. Has that man looked into the mirror lately? He and Congress have absolutely no respect for all those people (and I'm one of them) who has paid into the system all of their lives and idiots like the governor of Maine say that senior citizens' social security and medicare are WELFARE. Give me a break! The government has robbed me of my 401K because of Wall Street. I don't have one. Companies stopped giving pensions when they thought up this bogus 401K BS. My retirement will be my social security. That's if I can even retire and I'm 60. If he truly wanted to have socialized medicine, he needs to look at countries where it is successfully implemented like Denmark. Stop spending, spending, spending and start fixing what is clearly broken and with bills like this, it is only worsening the situation. Oh yeah. I know all about HIPPA. I'm an RN. Its clear that the government could care less about privacy issues and the government was the one who wrote this stuff in the first place. Funny how everything doesn't matter when a group of people who don't need things like health insurance and don't have to worry about retirement because they've already voted themselves the best of everything can't seem to see that the majority of don't have the same perks. Just sayin'.
Becca9071 says
November 4, 2015 at 4:12 AMCall me what you want but a lie is still a lie when it's in your face!
zarfii says
November 4, 2015 at 4:38 AMBarry's pathological lying is not the problem. The fact that he is allowed to do this with impunity again and again, without being brought to account by a rotten to the core system filled with corrupt psychopaths that have their fangs deeply embedded in the public's jugular, is the problem. And a few others besides.